Oct 8, 2010

2010 - Some paintings: Dandelion Infohouse

I found these pictures when i browsed my old archives CDs, so i decided to share it here. These are some paintings i made on Dandelion's walls earlier this year. Dandelion is a name of a collective house runs by some friends in Bandung, and yes its a really nice place. I had no any idea what to draw, but later i've got an awesome idea while i was in the bathroom. I draw myself saying "wow! Nice shot!" in Indonesian. Ermm.. i really dont know how to tell you more about this. Just look at the pictures, you'll get the idea.

And here some "surprise" paintings i did later that day.


  1. I am not giving any proper words other than 'kurang ajar!!', AND you are not so putting anything like these on my bedroom's wall.

    I hope that you concider it as a compliment

  2. hahaha keren deh. kalo maen ke semarang, kontrakanku digambarin gituan ya. hihi

  3. dina: hehehehehe...
    garna: siap na! nanti saya cari spot yg bagus dulu hehe

  4. Kamarku dikalimantan boleh juga Dan, mau juga di gambarin wajah kamu.. :D

  5. hahaha mau sit! diongkosin ga? :P kamu kapan ke semarang lagi? ada rencana desember mau ke smg, kamu pulang yo? hehe kita tour mistik lagi

  6. keren tapi untung nya ga tinggal disitu jd ga pernah ketakutan, sorry nih saya newbie di blogger jd masih bingung caranya jd follower
