And here some "surprise" paintings i did later that day.
Oct 8, 2010
2010 - Some paintings: Dandelion Infohouse
I found these pictures when i browsed my old archives CDs, so i decided to share it here. These are some paintings i made on Dandelion's walls earlier this year. Dandelion is a name of a collective house runs by some friends in Bandung, and yes its a really nice place. I had no any idea what to draw, but later i've got an awesome idea while i was in the bathroom. I draw myself saying "wow! Nice shot!" in Indonesian. Ermm.. i really dont know how to tell you more about this. Just look at the pictures, you'll get the idea.
Oct 7, 2010
2010 - ironxhanger
Contribution for a skate/art blog from Singapore called ironxhanger. Go visit the blog!
Ink on paper / letters are digitally colored in photoshop
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Oct 5, 2010
2010 - A Tribute to Ghost Stories
Almost everyone around me afraid of ghosts stories when they were kid. Me too. Thanks to my grandpa (RIP) who keep scaring me with his made up creepy ghost stories when i was a kid.
PS: The boy in this drawing is definitely not me! But i do had an awesome ghostbusters t-shirt & the cap too! I dont know where it is now, i wish i could find it.
PS: The boy in this drawing is definitely not me! But i do had an awesome ghostbusters t-shirt & the cap too! I dont know where it is now, i wish i could find it.
ink on paper
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2010 - Extinction
An illustration and layout for Corrupshit's upcoming CD front cover. Corruptshit is a grind/sludge band from Semarang, Indonesia
ink on paper, layout in photoshop
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grim reaper,
2010 - Neither Kraken Nor Paul
Submitted for an artwork book project organized by a new friend, Moel. He made a cute octopus monster character called Mogu (Monster Gurita. gurita is indonesian word for octopus), and he decided to collecting artworks of octopuses from his friends, print it and published it as a book soon. The main theme is, of course, octopus, and i love octopus. I done this patiently and passionately hehe. Cant wait to see the book.
2010 - Sawan
An illustration done for Sawan, a new DIY hardcorepunk zine from Jakarta/Tangerang. Hopefully issue #1 will be released soon.
2010 - Did you see my eyes..?
It crawling under your bed and ask, "Did you see my eyes? I cant find it..."
ink on paper
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2010 - A Tribute to Demoni
A quick drawing inspired by a memorable moment in Lamberto Bava's DEMONI a.k.a. DEMONS, released in 1985.
Click this link to read the synopsis and review.
ink on paper
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2010 - Tcukimay's Lust
A t-shirt design done for Tcukimay, a thrashpunk band from Bandung, Indonesia. Based on one of their song called "Lust".
ink on paper, coloured in photoshop
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2010 - A tribute to Glenn Danzig
ink on paper
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I really love The Misfits when Glenn Danzig still sing for the band. As the Misfits' vocalist, he's a brilliant songwriter and singer. Honestly, for me the Misfits were finished when he leave the band. A good band for me is a band who knows the limit and knows when to stop. Like Minor Threat.
The Misfits sucks after Danzig leave. And not just the Misfits, Glenn Danzig also become lame too later. Thats my personal opinion. No heart feeling, dear uncle Jerry Only and Danzig fans!
This illustration inspired by one of the Misfits' song, "20 Eyes". And for those who doesnt have any idea about who the Misfits is, here's a part of the lyric: "20 eyes in my head. They're all the same."
If you really good at counting, there's only 19 eyes appeared on the illustration. No, it wasnt a mistake. The last eye is right on his forehead hidden behind his devil-lock. Poor eye.
Well, the person on this illustration was supposed to be Glenn Danzig, the Evil Elvis himself. But i guess im not really good at drawing people haha. It looks like me more than Danzig haha.
Everybody! Twenty eyes in my heaaad!
2010 - A tribute to Hitoshi Iwaaki
Few months ago i amazed by "PARASYTE", a horror/sci-fi manga series by Hitoshi Iwaaki. Basically the story is about aliens that come to earth and take over human's brain therefore they can control the body. They live on human body as parasite. Unlike another parasite, basically they "kill" the host. I mean, once someone's brain controlled by this aliens, they're no longer human. This parasite also replace it's host personality. Well, to write the general story of "PARASYTE", i need help from my little helper, the almighty wikipedia.
From wikipedia: "Parasites have a strong, apparently instinctive, drive to kill and eat humans (Reiko Tamura calls it a "command"). Parasites have no memories of their own and do not know where they came from, but are, as a general rule, extremely quick learners who master the language and customs of the surrounding human population."
And here's the important thing:
"Parasites have the ability to shapeshift the area of the body of which they took control. They can alter their facial features in order to change their identity. When necessary, they can perform bizarre and grotesque transformations, sprouting supernumerary eyes, mouths, and even wings, as well as extruding an array of blades, fangs, and tentacles, later returning their face to its normal shape. These extrusions can be moved with superhuman speed, and a Parasite can easily kill several nearby humans with an array of whirring blades before the humans are even aware that they are being attacked. Their primary use for this ability is murder in order to feed; although they can eat other foods, all normal Parasites have an instinctive compulsion to kill and feed upon beings of the same species as the host body they occupy."
And this:
"Parasites have neither compassion for nor malice against humans. As a general rule, they display little to no emotion and act according to whatever seems sensible and likely to ensure their own survival. However, Parasites do sometimes appear shocked or surprised, and do develop individual personality traits. Because they are not emotionally troubled by pain or physical exhaustion, a Parasite can push its host body to the limit, performing much better than the host may have originally been capable of doing. Of course, this also increases the risk of exhaustion or injury."
Oh, its too many to paste here! You should read this comic, its really good. And the story is good too. Well i dont really want to tell more of the story since i dont want to spoil it. But i cant hold it, sorry. Well, they have good points in this story. Human race were so horrified to this human-eaters aliens. They found mutilated bodies everywhere, eaten. These aliens have a really good argument. I dont really remember what they exactly said when one of the halfhuman character ask them to stop killing human, but the point of what they said was: "You human eat another species too to survive, eventhough you have options to eat something else like plants. But you and animals can live side by side peacefully. So why cant we do the same? We eat human to survive but we can still live side by side peacefully"
Anyway, i really like the art and the story of this horror manga, and i always love the idea of this shapeshifting aliens. This is my tribute for "PARASYTE", especially for Hitoshi Iwaaki himself.
I leave this drawing in black and white so you can feel the "manga atmosphere" hehe.
2010 - Proletar
T-shirt design done for Proletar, an amazing mince-core from Jakarta, Indonesia.
*Proletar's logo done by Morbid Death Art
*Proletar's logo done by Morbid Death Art
ink on paper, coloured in photoshop
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2010 - Mata-mata logo
A logo for Mata-mata, a local zine distribution. Contact them if you need their katalog.
ink on paper, layout in photoshop
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2001 - Skate Hard!
A design for Distorsi Otak Kiri's t-shirt, fastcore from Bogor/Bandung
ink on paper, coloured in photoshop
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2010 - G.O.D logo
A logo for Grasp of Dynamite or G.O.D., a new crust/blackmetal band from Bandung with highschool kids as band members.
ink on paper, coloured in photoshop
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2010 - Worm Apparel Logo
A logo done for my friend's clothing business.
ink on paper, coloured in photoshop
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2010 - A tribute to DooM
ink on paper, coloured in photoshop
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Doom is one of the earliest first-person shooter video game i ever played on PC. I play this game when im still 12 or 13 years old. Some other first-person shooter video game i played on my early PC-era was wolfenstein and Duke Nukem.
I remember that day, about 15 years ago, one of my school friend lend me 8 floopy discs of Doom installer. I went home enthusiasticly because my family just bought our first PC some weeks earlier. Everybody at school who had PC talked about this game a lot and i was so curious. I never had my own video-game console, not until my family need a PC at home. Before we had PC, i always play video game at arcade center, or friends' house. Atari, NES, Sega megadrive. Double Dragon, Bare Knuckle, Street Fighter, Castle Vania, Mario Bros, Legend of Zelda, Contra, Splatter House. You name it. But PC is always my favourite console. Maybe because PC was my first personal console.
So, i was super excited. I installed Doom to my computer which still operated on DOS system. I insert the floopy disc one by one, i wait patiently. And after it completely installed, i play it right away.. I always play it everytime im home (after done my homework, off course eheh) and i remember my mom shouting at me a lot since all my focus in life was just to kill demons on Doom. I remember, one day i was so frustated because the more i gained higher level, the more its become so difficult and it was like impossible not to get killed. Its too brutal for my young brain and small fingers. I was so glad when one of my friend told me all the cheat he knew. I dont care about playing fair or honest anymore that time. Who cares? All i want was kill more demonic demons and see more new creatures on higher levels. Those poor demons..
This is an illustration of a cute, ugly, gross creature called Cacodemon. It just floating around on the air and unleashed hell from its wide mouth. I like using chaingun to kill this monster.
Doom is awesome.
2010 - A tribute to Suzzanna
ink on paper, coloured in photoshop
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This one come from my place, Indonesia. This is not a huging pillow, but a ghost, a living dead called "pocong". Indonesian zombie. But its different from usual zombie. This kind of zombie doesnt eat brains. Well, of course, because this is not zombie but pocong. Sorry for the confusion.
Why this ghost looks like hugging pillow? I can tell why, but my bad english is horrible. So, here some lines from wikipedia the savior:
"A pocong is an Indonesian or Malaysian ghost that is said to be the soul of a dead person trapped in their suit. The pocong suit (shroud) is used by Muslims to cover the body of the dead person. They cover the dead body with white fabric and tie the clothing over the head, under the feet, and on the neck. According to the native beliefs, the soul of a dead person will stay on the earth for 40 days after the death. When the ties aren't released after 40 days, the body is said to jump out from the grave to warn people that the soul need the bonds to be released. After the ties are released, the soul will leave the earth and never show up anymore. Because of the tie under the feet, the ghost can't walk. This causes the pocong to hop."
This illustration is taken from a scene in a local Indonesian classic horror movie called “Sundel Bolong” , released in 1982. Suzzanna, the Indonesian horror queen acted as Alisa, a girl who lived in darkness, was raped and murdered. Later, she's back from the dead to do her revenge on people who responsible of her death. She become a ghost called Sundel Bolong, terrorizing people. Yes, if you notice, "Sundel Bolong" is a different ghost, but i dont know why later she turns into pocong too!
In this famous scene, her "enemy" hid in a small room after being chased by Alisa. Suddenly the wall on the room explodes, leaving a big hole on it, and then we can see a pocong hanged upside down behind it, staring at this guy with a scary gaze. I think she smashed the wall with her own head. After that, she jumped out of the wall and confront her enemy. She brought a tomb-stone made of wood (its popular here. so lets call it tomb-wood) with her and stab it right into her enemy's chest. Pay back time. I watched this movie when i was a kid, and it was scary for me that time.
I love horror movies..
Check my deviantart page for the color version.
Oct 4, 2010
2010 - A tribute to Dr. Herbert West
ink on paper, coloured in photoshop
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For those who doesnt have any idea about who is Herbert West, he is a totally fucked-up mad scientist character created by H. P. Lovecraft for his short story "Herbert West: Re-animator", which later adapted into movie, Re-Animator in 1985, directed by Stuart Gordon.
Okay, im sucks at story-telling, so i give the part to the almighty wikipedia:
"Herbert West is the inventor of a special solution that when injected into a main artery of a recently deceased person causes the body's mechanical, living functions to return. However, most subjects that have undergone the "re-animation" process have turned violent and, after failed attempts to return to their own graves, have terrorized the communities into which they were reanimated."
So, like Jesus and Dr. Frankenstein, West wake up the dead back to life. But, of course his invention wasnt perfect. Later he find out that he just summoning living deads.
This illustration taken from the sequel, "Bride of Re-Animator" released in 1991. In this sequel, Dr. West started to re-animating human body parts such as hands, fingers, arms, etc. He work on a hospital, so its easy for him to steal body parts and take it home. He also doing experiments with human body parts by sticking some different body parts together, and injected it with his invention, the glowing green re-animating formula. Later these body parts can move and "alive", and kill. He even put a severed human arm on dog's body. Yes, Herbert West is so fucked up.
Im sucks at story-telling. If you confused with this story, maybe you should find it somewhere on the internet about this movies, or watch the movies.
But, well, this illustration is a tribute i did on my free time for him: one of his creature. You can tell that there's something wrong with Dr. Herbert West, no?
I think i will draw more tributes in the future. Its so fun, much more fun than drawing lame things for t-shirt..
I love horror movies..
2010 - KunoKini
T-shirt design for Kunokini, a percussion group with modern/traditional mixed concept. They're from Jakarta, Indonesia.
ink on paper, coloured in photoshop
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2010 - Thrashing Siamese
An artwork for a split CD front cover of two thrash/powerviolence band from Indonesia: Bleuaaarrgh!!!..from Borneo and HantamRata from Kediri East Java. I did the sleeve layout too. This CD released in June 2010
ink on paper, coloured in photoshop
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layout in photoshop & corel 12
additional drawing on the backtray by Linz (
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2010 - Hårda Tider
I made two designs for my friend's band, Hårda Tider. Hårda Tider is an awesome hardcore band from Malmö, Sweden. Artworks for t-shirt, but i dont know if they use it or not. Erik (vocals) told me about how he really loves apes and skull. He draw a gorilla on my room's wall. So i draw baboon for him. The angry one.
ink on paper, coloured in photoshop
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ink on paper, coloured in photoshop
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crime city,
Harda Tider,
Hårda Tider,
2010 - I will never be a tattoo artist. Thats a promise
Few months ago i went to a tattoo workshop held by my friends. One of them said that he wanted to be my guinea pig, so without any burden, i tortured this guy's arm.
Actually this is not my first tattoo-ing experience. My first time was a year ago, i did an eyeball tattoo on my friend's arm but it comes out not so good hahaha (sorry, Fajar!). Its very hard to keep the machine stay still and move like the way i wanted, because the tattoo gun tremors more than my hands does haha. But its still OK for the first-time tattoo experience. You can see the pic of my first tattoo ever below, and you dont want me to do the same thing on your body, do you? :P
Well, i guess im just going to share the experience here. Its fun, though. And no, i dont want to be a tattoo artist. I dont have enough patient and obviously my tremor hands doesnt help me to be a tattoo artist. But i still want to do the 3rd time just for the fun.
Here's the 2nd tattoo i ever did. A typically skull. Not bad, huh? :P
LEFT: a sketch i done on my friend's arm
RIGHT: finished tattoo, eventhough it looks like its not finished yet. ha.
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And here's my 1st one, one year earlier. hahah. oh poor Fajar.
RIGHT: finished tattoo, eventhough it looks like its not finished yet. ha.
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And here's my 1st one, one year earlier. hahah. oh poor Fajar.
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2010 - Eyeball for my business card
An illustration for my new business card. I always loves eyeballs! I dont know why. Now i think i should print a new business card with my blog address printed on it.
ink on paper, coloured in photoshop
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and here's the business card design:
layout in photoshop
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2010 - Nightmare
A t-shirt design i promised to HantamRata for a long time (sorry for being so slow, guys!). Hantam Rata is is a powerviolence band from Kediri, East Java, Indonesia. The title was taken from their first EP: "Modern Life is [a] Nightmare". Hantamrata's logo by Morbid Death Art
ink on paper
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modern life,
2010 - Punk From Hell
Jari Tengah is a grind-crust-punk from Bandung, Indonesia. And here's the artwork for their first EP called "Punk from Hell" front cover (CD-R). Oh, the term "jari tengah" means "middle finger" in english. I love the band's name!
ink on paper, coloring in photoshop
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Jari Tengah front cover design. (the band's logo is not my work)
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jari tengah,
2010 - Stuff Monger Black Metal Serius
I havent finish the Corpse Painted Riders series yet! Still need one or two more designs. I hope i can finish this soon.
ink on paper, edited in photoshop
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ink on paper, coloring in photoshop
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ink on paper, coloring in photoshop
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DEMON (2010)
ink on paper, coloring in photoshop
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black metal,
corpse paint,
stuff monger,
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